Strictly a tea party!
Attendees at our latest Headway Essex Mid Essex Support Group were encouraged to put their ‘best foot forward’ at their Afternoon Tea themed annual social gathering.
Dancing duo, Christopher Burrell and Emma Burrell from Starlight Dancing treated the group to an introduction to the Foxtrot and the Waltz.
“It was a real treat to watch and pick up some steps” remarked several members of the group as Christopher and Emma, who are currently ranked 3rd in England in 10-Dance (which is a combination of both Ballroom and Latin dance styles) showcased the two dances.
They very kindly volunteered their time as Headway Essex client, Wayne (pictured in the white tuxedo), attends one of their dance classes. The next day they were due to depart on a P&O cruise to perform alongside the Strictly Come Dancing stars.
Annual support group social
The entire meeting was themed around afternoon tea, complete with sandwiches, scones & jam, and a selection of teas and coffees, all kindly put together by our wonderful volunteer, Pauline. Lunch was even served on beautiful vintage crockery kindly loaned to us by our neighbours, St. Helena Hospice vintage shop.
The morning finished with a tea themed quiz, which was a firm favourite with everyone! Who knew we had so many tea fanatics in the room!
Would you like to attend a support group?
For those living with acquired brain injury, our support groups are often invaluable. You’ll meet others who are at different stages of their recovery or supporting somebody with a brain injury. You’ll be able to share information and hear from experts in brain injury and rehabilitation.
We run four support groups throughout Essex that meet in relaxed community locations. We try really hard to keep costs to a minimum with a charge of £2.50 per person or £5 per family for each meeting.
To find out more about the groups and how to pre-register your attendance, which you must do before you attend, you can email communitysupport@headwayessex.org.uk or call 01206 768797.