On Sunday 24 March 2019 Colchester will see up to 5,000 runners taking part in the Griffin Chapman Colchester Half Marathon. Returning for its ninth year, it has firmly established itself as one of the biggest and best races in the region and always draws a crowd.
An event close to Headway Essex’s heart
Almost a stone’s throw away from The Headway Centre, the start and finish line is at Weston Homes Community Stadium, so it’s an event very close to our hearts.
Next year’s event will be very special for Headway Essex as we’ve been chosen to be one of the charity partners for the next two years and as a result will benefit from donations raised at the event.
100 volunteers needed on the day!
We’ve been volunteering since the start and man one of the main water stations, but as a charity partner we need to recruit 100 volunteers to marshal and cheer the runners on. This is where we need your help, could you and your friends/family spare half a day on Sunday 24th March 2019 as part of the Headway Essex team?
20 Headway Essex places available
Or if you’d prefer to take part and run, we’ve been given 20 places, all we’re looking for is a donation or sponsorship of £50 for a guaranteed place next year. In return we will give you a Headway Essex tech running vest and a massive cheer on the day as you run round the 13 mile route. For a sneaky peak of the course check out the YouTube video the event team have just launched.
So if you are able to volunteer on the day or running for Headway Essex, please get in touch and email fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk or call 01206 547616 for more information.