Do you have and use social media? Do you love Headway Essex? From the 17th to the 22nd June we have an opportunity to not only raise awareness for Headway Essex but also win donations! If you love Headway Essex and want to help us win the Small Charity Week competition, DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE HERE.
How to help Headway Essex WIN the competition
The charity which manages to get the most individual messages of support on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook from June 17th -22nd June will receive a donation of £150.
Post a picture of you holding a sign saying “I love Headway Essex because (……enter your reason here…..)”. DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE HERE.
If you want to help but don’t have social media send your pictures to fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk and we can post them to help us win the competition.
Competition rules
The Twitter Competition
Tweet your photo message, or if you don’t have a camera, your message of love in less than 280 characters, making sure you include the @headwayessex and the #ILoveSmallCharities hashtag. You must also mention @SCWeek2019 in your tweet so all of our entries are acknowledged and counted.
The Facebook Competition
Post your photo message, or if you don’t have a camera, your message of love, to the Small Charity Week Facebook wall, making sure you include @headway.essex name and the #ILoveSmallCharities hashtag.
The Instagram Competition
Post your photo message to your Instagram account, making sure you tag @headwayessex and use the #ILoveSmallCharities hashtag. You must also tag @SmallCharityWeek in your photo so all of our entries are acknowledged and counted.
(Entries will only count if posted between 17th – 22nd June and only one message is to be submitted for each competition per person. You are welcome to enter all across all three platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) with your message).
Together we can help Headway Essex win!
For more information please don’t hesitate to call our fundraising team on 01206 845945 or email fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk.