A Long Road to Recovery
Merita Isufi’s life changed forever, following a tragic car accident on 4th July 2014. Merita and her son survived the accident, but tragically, her husband and 2 other children did not. Coping with such a devastating loss is more than most of us would have to bear in a lifetime, but Merita was also left with a brain injury and the struggle of a long journey of rehabilitation ahead.
Rehabilitation Support at the Headway Centre
As part of her rehabilitation, Merita now attends the Headway Centre in Colchester. One of the activities available to people who attend the Headway Centre is trampolining. At these sessions trained therapists provide a specialist programme and support, which is suitable for people of all abilities and is a great benefit to the more severely disabled. In addition to improved fitness, muscle and core strength, trampolining sessions have other benefits, such as, improved confidence, improved ability to follow instructions, improved/maintained mental health and reduced stress levels.
Positive Progress through Trampolining Sessions
Recently we sat down to speak to Meritas and her carer Andreea. Andreea has been Meritas carer since April 2018 and in that time they have formed an incredible bond. Andreea told us about how far Merita has progressed since she has been working with her. “We do 2 trampolining sessions a week, the consistency of which I think really helps Meritas progression (along with her determination of course). She also goes to the gym three times a week and attends the Headway Essex day centre two days a week.”
Paul, one of the Headway Centre care officers commented on the progress Merita has made “Merita has come so far on her journey since the accident. When she first came to us at Headway Essex she had to have two people to help her walk. Now she is able to walk independently with a carer nearby.” Meritas progression has a lot to do with her trampolining sessions as the balance and coordination she needs for this really help with her being able to walk independently.
Exceeding Expectations
Merita has continued to exceed everyone’s expectations as she has recently been awarded two awards for her trampolining progress. On the 29th June 2019, she was awarded 3rd place with the Tiegan Rose Cup and on the 12th July 2019 Merita was awarded with an independent jumping award. Merita told us how “amazing” trampolining makes her feel.
Paul went on to tell us “every time Merita is set a goal in her trampolining sessions, she achieves it extremely quickly. A couple of weeks ago we set her a goal to jump independently to reach by Christmas this year and she’s already achieved it. The progression and determination Merita shows is truly unbelievable”.
We are all very proud of Merita at Headway Essex and we are looking forward to seeing the further progression she makes.
If you would like more information on Headway Essex services and how we can help you, please get in touch on 01206 845945.