Fundraising for Headway Essex
Headway Essex relies on fundraising to provide vital services to brain injury survivors and their families. Hosting your own fundraising event can be a fun and very rewarding thing to do and we are very grateful to the people who give up their time to raise money in this way. There are many different ways people can do this and there is more information on this in our fundraising guide. We are always happy to discuss fundraising ideas with supporters and provide promotional materials for the event.
Connection with Headway Essex
It is very heart-warming when someone who has received help from Headway Essex, decides that they want to give something back.
Recently Sophie Headford, who hosts a dance event each year, contacted us to say this year, she had decided to donate the profits of her event to Headway Essex.
Sophie said “My Mum had a static brain haemorrhage brought on by a direct blow to the head after she fell at Leigh tip 5 years ago. This was a life changing injury for her and had life changing consequences for me and my family.”
“I was given Headway Essex phone number early on during the 18 weeks my mum spent in Southend hospital. At that time I wasn’t sure how they were going to be able to help me. It felt as though my whole world had collapsed and would never be the same again. I did however call one day, when I was very low and spoke to a girl called Emma. I cried a lot and we talked a lot and she called me every week to see how I was coping and how my mum was getting on. It was really good to talk and I really appreciated the support Headway Essex provided at this devastating time.”
“Sadly, Mum passed away in September 2019 as a result of numerous strokes and vascular dementia caused by the accident.”
Sophie’s Dance Event
“Every year for the last 12 years I have organised a fundraising evening for numerous local charities. I had been a professional dancer in my younger years and taught dance to adults for the last 20 years. ‘Delusion’ the dance troupe came about 15 years ago and we are a group of 8-12 women who love to dance.”
“The evening was a wonderful tribute to my Mum and a fundraiser for Headway Essex. It was a great night full of singers, musicians, comedy and magic and together we raised £1740. I am proud of what we achieve and know this money will go towards helping another family who may need Headway’s support.”
Get Involved
If you want to host an event, or fundraise for Headway Essex, we would love to hear from you. You can e-mail fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk or phone 01206 845945 (option 5).