Fundraising From Home
The Coronavirus may have put a halt on traditional fundraising, but it cannot keep us down. Our clients need to be supported now more than ever, so we need your help! Thankfully, we got our creative caps on and have come up with some suggestions on how to raise vital funds for brain injury survivors, and their families and carers – all from the comfort of your home!
Your at-home fundraising toolkit
- You can set up a fundraising page with either Virgin Money Giving or Just Giving so people can donate, sponsor your at-home activity, or pay entry into your virtual fundraising event
- You can set up a Zoom or Skype account so lots of people can join in with your virtual event via video
- You can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share your progress or celebrate your fundraising success
Virtual fundraising event inspiration
- Host a virtual pub quiz for your friends, family and co-workers to participate in. You could ask them to donate what they’d usually spend on drinks at the pub.
- Teach a masterclass to anyone that wants to learn a new skill – this time is the perfect opportunity to be learning something new! Your masterclass could be teaching anything, from giving music lessons to demonstrating how to arrange flowers. You could ask people to donate what they feel the masterclass is worth via our donation page
- Host a virtual dog contest including anyone and everyone who has a pooch! Ask people to send in pictures and pay £2 to enter into the following categories: Prettiest Pooch, Best Senior, Dog That Most Looks Like Its Owner, Best Puppy, Best Rescue, and Best Dressed. You then judge which dog wins each category and then send pictures of the winning dogs to fundrasising@headwayessex.org.uk. Headway Essex will then judge which dog wins Best In Show and put that lucky pooch in our quarterly newsletter!
Other ways to fundraise from home
- Have a clear out of all your unwanted books, CD’s, videos and games. Ziffit buys your unwanted items off you and collects them for free (now using DPD’s contact-free collection services for everyone’s safety). You could donate the proceeds from your clear out to Headway Essex via our donation page
- Grow your hair and donate what you would typically spend at a hairdressers/barbers to Headway Essex. If you are feeling brave then you could ask people to sponsor you and the highest donator gets to choose your next hair style!
- Create a Coronavirus swear jar if you want to discourage people talking about it 24/7. Make a rule that everyone has to put 50p into the jar if they bring up the Coronavirus. Donate the proceeds of your jar to Headway Essex.
We’d love to know about your fundraising journeys, please feel free to send pictures to fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk or tag us on social media so we can celebrate you!
If you can’t do any fundraising right now but you still want to support us, please head to our emergency appeal page to make a donation.