Be Someone’s Rainbow This Summer
We are now in our final month of this year’s Virtual Colour5K and there’s still time to take part and make one final push to raise as much as possible for adults with acquired brain injury (ABI) and their families in Essex.
The Virtual Colour5K is packed full of fun, colour, community spirit, and is suitable for all ages and abilities. You can complete your 5km in one go, one week, or even a month. Walk, wiggle, or dance around your home, in your garden, or at the local park, it is completely your choice. The only criteria, you make it colourful, the more flamboyant the better!
A Message from Wayne Chivers
Last year, the Virtual Colour5K rocketed to success thanks to Wayne Chivers raising a total of £6,722! Wayne, who had received help from Headway Essex, decided to take on the Virtual Colour5K after his daughter challenged him to complete 5 kilometres in his garden. Not expecting to raise more than £200, Wayne gained a huge following of supporters from all around the world.
For those thinking about taking part, Wayne had this to say, “It was good to get up in the morning knowing that there was a target to achieve. Headway is a cause worth supporting as they do such a good job helping those disadvantaged by brain injury.”
How to Get Involved
Like last year, the Virtual Colour5K is completely free; you just need to create a fundraising page on either JustGiving, Money Giving, or download the fundraising toolkit for a sponsorship form. If you would prefer not to fundraise but just want to make a donation, you can do so on the Virtual Colour5K event page or consider supporting a fundraiser on any of our fundraising pages.
You have until the 31st of July to complete your kilometres, and if you raise £25 or more, we will send you a special prize to say thank you. So dig out your funky leggings and colourful headband from the bottom of your drawer and get involved.
If you have any questions, we always love to hear from our community. Please email us at fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk.
Thank You for Supporting Us
For those of you who have already created a fundraising page or downloaded a sponsorship form, we thank you. Without your support, Headway Essex would be unable to raise the vital funds that go towards providing rehabilitation and support for brain injury survivors, their families, and carers in Essex.
Thank you to our sponsor, Attwells Solicitors.