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    (includes information relating purely to news about Headway Essex, Headway UK and any brain injury related information Headway Essex feels would be beneficial to share with you. Examples includes, but are not limited to, the Headway Essex newsletter, the circulation of Headway UK and Headway Essex service information and literature, as well as any information on upcoming Headway events where clients/carers are invited to attend)

    (Includes information on any upcoming opportunities to volunteer and news of direct relevance to Headway Essex volunteers)

    Information on when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, the conditions under which it may be disclosed to others and how we keep it secure, can be found in our Privacy Statement. If you wish to unsubscribe to our marketing communications you can email us at admin@headwayessex.org.uk or call us on 01206 845945.

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