Brain Injury and Motivation with Andrea Kusec In August, we were very lucky to have Andrea Kusec from the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at Cambridge University address the […]

Life After Lockdown with Acquired Brain Injury As the UK begins to relax lockdown restrictions, I find myself thinking about our clients and others who live with an acquired brain […]

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Helpful Tips to Cope with Feelings of Anxiety Feeling concerned or overwhelmed by all the news is understandable. You may be anxious about your own health, or […]

Returning to Work After a Brain Injury Following even a mild brain injury, daily life can be affected, including employment. Common hidden affects can be fatigue, short-term memory issues and […]

We had the pleasure of catching up with Vikki Hutt who has two young children and suffered a serious brain injury in January at the age of 45 which, she […]

2018 marks exactly 10 years since Pauline and Bernie’s son, Gary, suffered a traumatic brain injury. The exact date and time, 3 November 2008 9.45pm, will be etched on their […]

NEW: Social Impact Report 2018/19 Our social impact is the expression and quantification of the positive changes we make to the lives of the people we support, which contribute to […]

Understanding Stroke There are around 3,600 stroke admissions to Essex hospitals every year in the UK. Like all organs, the brain needs the oxygen and nutrients provided by blood to […]

Parenting with a brain injur “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow”. This quote by […]