With acquired brain injury you might need help in dealing with the changes, situations, and emotions you find yourself experiencing. You may want to understand more about brain injury and its effects. You could be looking for practical help to overcome the issues you are facing, or simply to talk to someone who understands exactly what you are going through.
Headway Essex has a range of services to support you.

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For most of my life before my accident, I used to ride horses and race cars for fun, and thought little of it. I only knew two speeds, one was fast, the other was faster!
One evening, when my husband returned from work, he took the dog out after first shaking me awake. The next thing I remember is a hospital bed, nine weeks later.I had climbed the stairs and missed where the banister ran out; you had to take the window ledge which I just missed. I fell from the top, backwards, striking my head on the wall. I was in hospital for a year.
When I came out my social worker recommended Headway Essex and I began a long journey. To start with I could not walk and I was permanently in a wheel chair. My speech was very poor and I could not really feed myself. I had to have help with the toilet. With the help of my husband and Headway I began to progress. Headway encourages you without bullying you and they were there with me every step of the way.
I joined the Education Group and with the aid of my tutor I began to write short stories. He would give me a picture or a passage and I would write about it, from comedy to tragedy. I found that I had a real talent for story writing and much of the work the tutor gave me (he was a writer himself) was very challenging.
I can now walk with the aid of a walker and can speak and eat properly. I felt as though the whole of Headway Essex has been behind me, willing me on and my confidence has grown.